Saturday, February 22, 2020

5320 - Capstone - Assignment 3 - DLL Journey Visualization & Summary

This is my final assignment and my final entry for the Digital Learning and Leading Master Program at Lamar University.  I have completed the 18 month program and will graduate in May 2020!

In August 2018, I began a journey down a new educational path.  I enrolled at Lamar
University to complete the Master of Education program in Digital Learning and Leading
I made a promise to my father to continue my education, and now I am keeping that
promise.  This is a scary process, but little by little I will complete my goal. Dr. Harapnik’s website
has some useful information about the classes, a course map, and examples of assignments.

It appeared that we had a lot to learn in such a short amount of time in all the classes. 
Each class was five weeks with a one week break in between the classes. We posted once
a week on a discussion board, did assignments, and worked on our individual ePortfolio
which is a collection of our work over the length of the program.

The first class was EDLD 5302 Concepts of Educational Technology.  We learned
about having a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. (Dweck, 2006)   We also explored the
concepts of COVA (choice, ownership, voice, and authentic learning).  We were given the
opportunity to be part of the learning process and able to share our own opinions and
thoughts about what we were learning.  With all this in mind, we generated our
Learning Manifesto.  I learned to use Screencastify while making my Learning Manifesto.

In addition to starting our ePortfolio, we incorporated a blog so we could share our thoughts
about the weekly discussions.  We also added a list of Professional Learning Networks to
our ePortfolio.  My final grade was 500/500 or 100.  

The second class was EDLD 5303 Applying Educational Technology Eportfolio.  In this
class we added more to our ePortfolio (Harapnuik, n.d.) and had time to enhance the design
and reflect on what we had learned. We continued posting on our blog twice a week.  We
needed to add our discussion posts along with another blog topic of our choice.  We had
time to add to, modify, and improve our ePortfolios and made suggestions to one another
in our class.  My final grade in this class was 500/500, the equivalent to 100.

The third class was EDLD 5305 Disruptive Innovation in Education.  While in this
class we wrote a proposal letter of an innovative project we want to implement in our
school or district.  We created a “Call of Action” video to get the audience's attention. 
While making the video, I learned more about iMovie. Next, we wrote a literature review
about our project which included research to back up our topic.  Finally, we compiled an
outline of how we would complete the implementation plan, and mine included a pilot
program before implementing the complete plan. In our final week, we posted all of the
assignments to our ePortfolio page, along with an annotated bibliography.  We also had 6
discussion posts where we were to complete and respond to others.  My final grade was
484.9375 out of 500 which equaled 97.

The fourth class was EDLD 5304 Leading Organization Change.  In this class we
worked on implementing our innovation plan.  We started with the Why? of what we
are doing.  We developed our Influencer Strategy with the 6 Sources of Influence. We
learned about the 4DX model and the five stages of change. The last part of the class
was Self-Differentiated Leadership with Crucial Conversations.  I learned to use Canva
in this class, and it is a great tool.  I enjoyed creating the graphics we needed to enhance
our study.  We had 5 discussion questions to answer and respond to on the discussion
board.  I have posted those discussion questions on my blog, so I can remember what
all that we discussed and learned.  My grade was 483 out of 500 which equated to 96.6.

With 12 classes in this degree plan, I have completed four of them which means I am
one-third of the way done. (4 down and 8 to go.)  At this point, I felt like I have
accomplished something. I look forward to completing the rest of the classes and
graduating with my Master’s degree in Digital Learning and Leading.  That sounds
so good when I say the words out loud. I was determined to finish and keep my
promise to my dad. #keepingmypromisetomydaddy2020

The fifth class started at the beginning of March 2019.  I am overly delighted that
there is a week in between each class.  I needed the down time to relax, clean the
house, and prepare myself for the next class.  Sadly, my washing machine caught
on fire because the motor went out. Then I was told by my home warranty company
that the necessary part could not be found, so I will be receiving a new replacement

Now it is time for EDLD 5313 Create Significant Learning Environments.  In this
class we had 5 discussion questions as usual.  We wrote about our Philosophy of Learning
We spent time developing our Significant Learning Environment and what we wanted to
include.  We also compared the 3 Column Table and the UbD method.  At the conclusion
of the course, we revisited our Growth Mindset Plan.  My grade was 475 out of 500 which
was 95.  

The sixth class is 5314 Digital Learning in Local and Global Context, and we had 5
discussion questions and were expected to respond to at least two people.  I tried to
respond to about four each week. Completing this class means I am half-way finished
with this degree plan! Now, six complete and six classes to go! 

We had to make a Call to Action Plan in week three.  The following week we had to
apply those lessons and add 12 resources to create a Literature Review.  In the final
week we updated our innovation plan and wrote a reflection about what we learned. 
My grade was 500 out of 500 which was 100. 

At this point, I had completed 6 of the 12 classes in the DLL program with an A average. 
This means that I WAS HALF DONE. I was over the moon excited!  

This has been a dream of mine for several years and I made a promise to my daddy that
I would further my education.  He always told me that education was something no one
could take t away from you. He believed that I should take any and every class that I
could that would further me in my career.  He was so supportive. I know that he would
be proud that I have maintained an A average in the program. Fingers crossed that I
will graduate with an A average at the end!

The seventh class was 5315 Assess Digital Learning and Instruction.  We were
required to post on the discussion boards and respond to at least two of our classmates.  I
usually responded to 4 or 5 classmates. I always tried to read every post my classmates
posted, but as others stated in the class, it was overwhelming.  It becomes really challenging
to maintain meaningful conversations with people when there are so many in the class. I
liked the other classes better when there were about 20 or so people in the class.  I am glad
this was a summer class because it seemed to take up more time than the other classes. I
was really stressed about the material and trying to get everything done on time.  

We were required to do yet another literature review.  I do not feel that I really learned a
lot other than how to do a literature review.  I do not feel that my style of learning meshes
well with writing papers.  It was a requirement, so I pushed through and completed it. We
also made an outline of how we want to carry out our innovation plans.   We also created
an Action Research Plan.  Finally, we created a Timeline for ePortfolios Plan.  My final
grade was 483 out of 500 which equaled out to be a 96.6.

The eighth class was 5318 Instructional Design in Online Learning.  In this class we
designed an online class.  I really struggled with this whole concept at first.  I am
unfamiliar with Schoology and had only briefly heard of it when this class started. 

After setting up the account, I had to watch the videos on how to use this software.  I
found myself wishing that I had been warned ahead of time that during this program
there were various computer programs the class would need to learn by ourselves.
We could have proceeded at our own pace rather than learning a new program while
completing an assignment.  

We were given a grade per discussion post each week.  We had to post by Thursday
and respond to two people by Sunday.  We were required to reference a video or a
reading and document the source in each of our posts or points were deducted, even
though that was not a requirement on the rubric.  We had to put info into Schoology
two weeks in a row. Also, we picked two courses from our school curriculum that
would make suitable online courses.

At the beginning of the class in week 1, we set up the account, added basic information
and an outline.  In week 2, we created an outline for the lesson, which were broken down
into 5 units.  I used the 5 pre-k technology state guidelines. Next, in week 3, we added
more content to our Schoology lessons.  During week 4, we completed the online lessons
for the units. Lastly in week 5, we scored ourselves and reflected on our learning.  My final grade was
a 492.5 out of 500 or 98.5.

FOUR MORE CLASSES!  I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel.  

The ninth class was 5389 Developing Effective Professional Learning.  This was a challenge
because I did not know what to do or how to do it.  This was my first experience in planning for
Professional Development. Most of the time when I share my knowledge with others, it is not
in a professional development setting; it is just after school in a classroom in an unofficial
capacity.  We made a Call to Action video. Then we made an outline and a final course description
with the timeline.  My final grade was 495 out of 500 or 99.

The tenth class was 5317 Resources for Digital Environments.   In this class we
explored the educational tool, EdShelf.  I created two collections, one for teacher resources
and one for pre-k resources.  Next, we researched publications and their requirements. Over
the next few weeks, we created an outline, rough draft, and final copy for the desired
publication.  I submitted mine to TCEA TechNotes, and it was published!  We also
created an elevator pitch that related to our article.  At the end of the class we had to
turn in the final draft of the article. (It is not linked because I have submitted it to
another publication and am waiting for a response on if it will be accepted for publication.) 
My final grade was 491 out of 500 or the equivalent of a 98.2.

The eleventh class was 5316 Digital Citizenship.  During this Digital Citizenship class,
we earned a badge of completion for our ePortfolios after completing all the
requirements.  During week 1, we learned about Ribble’s nine elements of digital
citizenship.  In week 2, we discussed our digital footprint and Googled ourselves.  In week 3,
we learned about copyright issues.  This was the most challenging week for me.  I felt like it
was really testing my understanding and thought process.  Next, in week 4 we learned about
cyberbullying.  Lastly, in week 5 we completed a 5 page reflection essay, wrote a final
reflection, and created an animated presentation.  My final grade was 500 out of 500,
which was 100.

The twelfth and final class 5230 Capstone was the class where we summarize our learning
and progress.  There were three assignments to be completed. The first one was about
the COVA model and the CSLE.  The second assignment was about our innovation project
Lastly, we summarized all of our learning using this document and made a visual representation
of our journey.  

Finally, one quote that stayed with me the entire length of the program was , “It always
seems impossible until it’s done!” by Nelson Mandela.  That is the truth! At times I doubted
if I would get the assignments done. I doubted my abilities. I doubted my strength and
perseverance to complete the class or the program.  I doubted if I wanted to finish, and I also
doubted how important getting my Masters was. Then I remembered that promise I made to
my daddy a couple years ago before he passed. I knew that I had to finish what I started. 

I am glad that I have completed the Master’s Program, and I know that both my parents
would be proud of the accomplishment.  I just wish they were here in the present form to
see me graduate and walk across the stage. If there is a way to celebrate in Heaven, I know
he and my mom are singing, dancing, smiling, and saying,  “Hallelujah! Our girl did it!”

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Summary with Book Creator

I decided to add one more thing to my website and to this blog.  I used Book Creator to make a summary of my DLL journey. Click below t...