Saturday, February 2, 2019

Discussion 2

Participate in a class discussion in which you begin by addressing the following issues/questions:
How does common sense contribute to the three myths of behavior change?
Discuss the connections between the change recommendations made by Dr. Cross and Influencer's model of six sources of influence.
Discuss your desired results you wish to achieve in your change project/initiative.
Discuss how you will use the following 4 key strategies you will use in identifying the vital behaviors you
wish to change.
Notice the obvious
Look for crucial moments
Learn from positive deviants
Spot culture busters
Speculate on how you can use the six sources of influence in your change initiative

It was interesting to know that people don’t know what motivates them.  I thought I usually know what motivates me. I know that I am motivated to finish this program because I want to move on with my career and explore new opportunities.

The three myths are educational will change behavior, you need to change attitudes to change behavior, and people know what motivates them to take action.

I thought the smoking video was very interesting.  It made me think about my mom smoking when I was growing up.  She knew it was bad, but did it anyway because she wanted to smoke.  She was one of the smartest people I know, but in this case she didn’t use her “smartness” in this situation.  She did finally quit when she got sick later in life (wasn’t smoking related). Looking back I think she smoked because it was just something she did, it was part of who she was, and she liked it for some reason.

The 6 influences are personal motivation, personal ability, social motivation, social ability, structural motivation, structural ability.

It would be nice if other teachers on my campus would be willing to do their own ePortfolio.  When I made the video in the last class, I showed it to a few of them. They were interested in what I was doing, but not interested in doing it themselves.  Several of them said things like that is why I am not going back to school, I don’t have time for that kind of thing. It was interesting the were willing to listen to what I am doing, but not interested in trying it themselves.  The pressure at my school is unbelievable. I know teachers are stressed and overworked, but it seems like where I am, it is more than the usual.

I can’t find any teacher in the building willing to do their own ePortfolio.  Most of them said they don’t have enough to put in it, don’t have time to think about that with all the requirements like tutorials etc, and family commitments they have going on in their lives.  They really aren’t interested in doing it with their class either, because we aren’t supposed to do anything that wasn’t assigned/written in our regular curriculum.

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