Monday, January 21, 2019

Starting Class #4 - 5304

It's that time again.....
Time to start a new class.  This is class 4 in the Digital Leading and Learning program at Lamar.  It is called 5304 Leading Organizational Change.

Here is the intro that I posted on our discussion board.

My Disruptive Innovation project is using ePortfolios in Pre-K.  The ePortfolio is an innovative way to track student progress, show their learning, and create ownership of their work. The students’ ePortfolio will follow them throughout their educational career with the district.  

While creating the ePortfolio for our students, I am also suggesting that we implement the COVA method of Choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authentic learning method.  This method will instill a sense of pride within the students, and they could use this ePortfolio throughout their educational experience in our district.

By starting in Pre-K, they will start to develop the skills needed to create, build, expand, and reflect on their work.  Technology is ever-changing and we need to change with it to best serve our students.
I believe the most significant challenge will be teaching 4 and 5 year olds the necessary technology skills needed along with their attention span.  They are able to complete small tasks in the center rotations, but having them remember to take a picture and tell us they want it on their site, will be a challenge.  We will have to help prompt them as well as assist them greatly in putting it on the site.

My classmates can help me by suggesting ways to improve upon my ideas and strategies.  We can work together by bouncing ideas off each other, sharing successes, and struggles along the way.  I welcome all suggestions from everyone. I will help my classmates by sharing my ideas, experiences, and challenges.  I am here to collaborate on elementary activities as well as be a sounding board for them.

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Summary with Book Creator

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