Friday, November 9, 2018

More Technology in Pre-K

Pre-K students are good at using technology.  They don't know what it is like to not have technology.  It has become second nature to them.  Technology is all they see.  It is all around them.  They look forward to using the panel each day.  It is now a staple in our routine and they are doing well at using it, taking turns, and helping each other if there is an issue.

The students are learning a little bit more each day.  The more that we use the panel, the more they like it.  The best part is, they are learning new skills while they are having fun.

We worked on ten frames again and drawing a shape.  They have to match up the ten frame to the number/digit.  We have numbers 1-5 on one slide and 6-10 on the other slide.  Ten frames are part of subitizing and this is something that is required in the upper grades, so I am helping build the foundation of their math skills.  This is a skill that is hard for them, so we go over it often.  I want them to master this skill in order for them to build their knowledge when entering kindergarten next year.

During our "Morning Meeting" we do a review of different skills such as letters, sounds, date, day of the month, months, numbers, and shapes.  We sing songs and do the matching body movements.  We make it interactive by using the panel and Note software.  This is a routine we now have established and they know what to expect and what to do each time.

I hope they retain all their knowledge while we are gone on our Thanksgiving break!

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