Saturday, November 24, 2018

Discussion 2 - The Need for Change

In reference to the comment made in the video about how we live our lives, I have met people
and know people that are the same way, enduring their lives.  They are always counting
down to something, wishing the day or week away. When you do this, you are wasting
your time by just living for the weekends or living for that next moment.  You have to enjoy
your life now. You have to make the best of a bad situation. It is a motivator to look
forward to something exciting, but not enjoying where you are at the current moment is a
waste of time.  

My grandma used to say, “You are wishing your life away.”
That was a very interesting point about the wrist watch.  I am sure there are other things
that we all used to do that the young people don’t do anymore.  

Sir Ken Robinson said, “Life is organic.”  I agree with him about not everyone needs to go
to college or not to go right now.  You are not the same person when you are 18 than you
are at 30. Your opinions, wants, believes, and outlooks change as you get older.  It is
hard to know what you want to do for the rest of your life and the young age of 18.
Not everyone is ready to make that kind of decision when they are a teenager.  Some
people are lucky and know what they want like the fireman in his example. That is a
shame that a teacher would tell a student not to be a fireman. The world needs fireman!
When we are busy doing the state standards it is difficult to give the students freedom
to explore their own talents, likes and dislikes.  For example, we teach them to have
an opinion and give them a choice when we review graphing. One of the questions
is: Do you like to color?  On the graph we have a “yes” and a “no” side. The students
are allowed to vote or choose which one they want. So we are teaching them about
choice at a young age.  As they get older we may ask them what they want, but do we
do anything past that? Most of us would like to, but with admin breathing down your
back about standard, being “on schedule” and doing all the things they deem necessary,
it is difficult to allow the student freedom to do things their way. He also said, “Human
communities depend upon a diversity of talent.”  This is so true. Not every student
needs to be a professional. If that was the case, who would fix our cars, who would
pick up our trash, who would clean the schools, etc.

The comment of kindergarten is very important.  I know that education is important
which is why we are teachers.  It needs to be about quality not quantity. Not
everyone has the same talents, desires, or like the same thing.  That is a good
thing. We are all different and passionate about different things. This is what
makes us all unique and special.  

Children need to be children. We are always pushing them so fast and so hard
because there are state standards and there isn’t time for them to be children.  
The brain develops in different ways and student should be allowed to develop
those talents and learn at their own pace. Some students are ready to read at
4 or 5 other students might not be ready until they are 6 or 7 or even older.

He also said, “If you are doing something you love, an hour feels like five minutes.  If
you are doing something that doesn’t resonate with your spirit, five minutes feels like
an hour.”  This is very true. I love to do crafts, make shirts, etc. I can spend all day in
my craft room creating things.  When it come to cleaning the house, it seems like it
takes forever.

The students in my class are like this.  When they are at the play dough center or
the Lego center they are disappointed when time is up and they have to move to
another location.  When they are at the math center or the alphabet center, they
are ready to go. Two of the centers are creative and open ended, the other two
have requirements and a task to complete.  At this age, they want to express
themselves and explore.

TED. (2010, May 24). Bring on the learning revolution! | Sir Ken Robinson. Retrieved

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